Friday, May 8, 2009

Advantage of subgingival preparation

This is case with a full ceramic restoration with supragingival preparation. eventhough the book prescribes a supragingival preparation in non-esthetic region, if prefer subgingival preparation, because of this above picture.the problem with this that there is possibility of food accumulation or plaque formation, which if the patient not aware this leads to gingivitis which drastically reduces the tone of gingiva and increases the depth of the sulcus from which there is no turn back other than offering a new crown. so ot os better to give a equigingiva or subgingival preparation.

The picture above shows the subgingiva preparation. Tell the patient about its important in maintanance. the maintance is simple. tell the patient to massage the gingiva from the gingiva towards the crown after brushing with the paste as lubricant. by this way it enhances the tone of the gingiva and prevents any accumulation of the debris in the subgingival region.


  1. really it is educative since we find so many faults with subgingival prep. thnks

  2. No way doc. The only way a supragingival margin will cause gingival problems is if the contours of the crown are bulky and the emergence profile is not right. Heard about biological width!!!!!. Big problem with subgingival margins. I do place sub-G margins where I have to be carefull of the esthetics and if gingival health was the only critera I would definitely choose the supra-G margin to the sub-G.

  3. where does the emergence profile comes in palatal aspect of the upper incissors
