Friday, May 8, 2009

Advantage of subgingival preparation

This is case with a full ceramic restoration with supragingival preparation. eventhough the book prescribes a supragingival preparation in non-esthetic region, if prefer subgingival preparation, because of this above picture.the problem with this that there is possibility of food accumulation or plaque formation, which if the patient not aware this leads to gingivitis which drastically reduces the tone of gingiva and increases the depth of the sulcus from which there is no turn back other than offering a new crown. so ot os better to give a equigingiva or subgingival preparation.

The picture above shows the subgingiva preparation. Tell the patient about its important in maintanance. the maintance is simple. tell the patient to massage the gingiva from the gingiva towards the crown after brushing with the paste as lubricant. by this way it enhances the tone of the gingiva and prevents any accumulation of the debris in the subgingival region.


A case of oroantralfistula

Multiple peg tooth

A yr old boy with multiple peg tooths. In this case the only treatment option is to go for a crown after all the tooths are erupted

talons cusp

Talons cusp in 11


This is a case of inoffice bleaching with help of h2o2. the procedure is simple and the results will be better one.
1. Thoroughly clean the tooth with a polishing past, remove calculus etc..
2. protect the gingiva with a gingival barrier or if u r well versed u can do it without using them :-]
3. Then apply Etchant for a minute and thou roughly wash the area with water.
4. Apply h2o2 and wait for a minture and lightcure the ares for a minute and half and rinse and if satisfactory remove the rough surface with microabrasives or a fine grid bur. If needed u can do it for 3-4 time without etchant